Welcome! I'm barbara and i'm a quilter.
I am a fiber artist who learned to sew as a child and after a long hiatus, took up my needle again. Thirteen years ago, after admiring quilts for many years, I took a class at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. After learning the basics, and being exposed to the endless possibilities of quilt-making, I never looked back. I now art quilts (meant to hang on the wall) as well as functional items for the home, and personal use. About five years ago, through courses at the Art League in Alexandria, VA, I began exploring surface design. I now dye, paint and hand-stitch many of the fabrics I use in my quilting .
I spent much of the past two decades living or working overseas, where I collected a variety of textiles and learned about different dying and weaving techniques. I also fell in love with bright, vivid prints and colors. I retired a few years ago and have turned my twin passions of quilting and teaching into a business. I offer a wide variety of quilting classes for beginner through advanced students.